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June 08, 2006

love that manny

We here at Babymania are enthralled with all things Britney. (Well, at least I am.) I was pregnant the same time Britney was last year, which was awesome compared to sharing your pregnancy with a celeb like Gwyneth, because I could eat whatever I wanted. Britney set a new standard, and all of the sudden I didn't feel guilty about all those ice cream sandwiches. Then, our pregnancies came to a glorious conculusion when Finn and Sean Preston were born mere days apart last September.

But I recently jumped on the bash Britney bandwagon after a bunch of bad press surfaced. Then I realized that girlfriend needs a break. She's a new mom just like me, and heaven help me if paparazzi followed me around everywhere, chronicling my every misstep.

My new stance is that poor Britney gets a bad rap. And I'm not even talking about her pitiful husband's music career. She's doing the best she can. It's hard enough for the rest of us and we don't have aspiring white rappers for husbands. That's why I love seeing these pics of Brit being accompanied by her hot new manny. Manny, I don't know who you are, but you're no KFed.

Posted by lisa at June 8, 2006 09:38 AM


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