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October 04, 2007

courtney and jonathan's wedding

This weekend, I traveled to California, solo, for my dear friends, Courtney and Jonathan's wedding. This was the first time I had been back to California since we moved, and this trip was extra-special because so many of my favorite people were going to be at the wedding.

The wedding itself was held at Jonathan's family's home. Court mentioned that they had a house on the ocean in Carmel. What she neglected to mention was that it was a sprawling mansion/estate with beach access. I absolutely could not believe it. My experiences with such homes is exclusive to reruns of The O.C. and Dynasty, for that matter. I celebrated like Alexis Carrington, enjoying the ocean views, downing tuna tartare, and sipping Chardonnay.

It was an absolutely beautiful day. The weather was auspiciously perfect, the ceremony was touching and meaningful, and it was delightful to see old friends. That night, H, John, Fiona, and I stayed overnight in a national park.

I managed to squeeze in some friend time in San Francisco, catching up with Brenda, Alicia, a glimpse of Sarah and Phoebe, and the old Chronicle crew. I also got to meet some of my San Francisco clients.

I took the red eye home on Monday night/Tuesday morning. I did miss my boys, but the thought of toting Finn on a four-hour flight, then a two and a half hour car ride, only to turn around and do it again the next day sounded unusually cruel. And Finn probably wouldn't like it too much, either.

I felt a little like Chicago's answer to Britney. Daddy had to repeat for four days, "Don't worry Sean Preston Finn. Mommy is out playing with her friends at a mansion and drinking wine. She'll be home soon, promise." Although Finn did fine in my absence, he seemed pretty ticked off at me when I returned home. He expressed by throwing toys around and giving such a tantrum that daycare called me to come pick him up. (A first, by the way.) But Mommy's home and all is right in the world again.

Posted by lisa at October 4, 2007 12:14 PM


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