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January 31, 2008

Finn at 28 months

IMG_5778.JPG, originally uploaded by lisabagg.

Believe it or not, this site is not just for your entertainment, my tens of readers. Rather, I hope that when Finn grows up, he will be able to look back and see what he's been up to at various points in his life. (Or, uh, pretty much every day.)

There's so much to say about what Finn's been up to lately. He is not a baby, not yet a man, to paraphrase Britney. (In a better era, that is.) Rather, he is in the developmental phase he declares is a "Big Boy." He does not pass up an opportunity to assert his Big Boy status. If he wants a drink, it must be in a Big Boy cup. If he sits down, it darn well better be in a Big Boy chair. You get the picture.

So, Finn? When you read this when you're all grown up, here's what you're up to at Big Boy 28 months.

* You pick curious battles to fight. Yesterday, you would not leave the house until I produced a photo of a chicken. Today, you refused to leave the house until I had an entire sheet's worth of heart stickers on my pants. Once you're satisfied with one of these weird requests, you carry on happily.

* You tend to give me a harder time that anyone else in your life. No one believes me when I talk about the tantrums you perform for me, where you do a magic trick where all your bones turn to jello and you become a red, snot-spewing, 28-lb. lump on the floor.

* Luckily, you are more than cute enough to make up for these tantrums.

* You are uncommonly gentle with all animals for a child of your age. You are great with Santos, of course, but you also love petting the neighbors' dogs and cats. You like to make up stories about them, where they visit each other, or that they have baby sisters or brothers, or that they sometimes get time-outs.

* You have an imaginary friend right now--a bunny rabbit you've named Kai. You tell us that Kai sleeps in bed with you, has lots of baby brothers and sisters, and hops in the yard with his friends. Sometimes, apparently, Santos eats Kai, but it's OK because it's just a joke between those two and Kai is fine. (?!?)

* You also love babies. There are a couple of babies at daycare and you, again, are so gentle with them for a child of your age. You love watching them grow up--last week, you ran up to me to let me know that Baby Asher is now crawling. You are wonderful at making them laugh--your favorite trick is to pretend to sneeze, which seems to work every time.

* While you are the fussiest with me, you are also the most affectionate with me. Lately, you've become my full-on boyfriend. You play with my hair, caress my cheeks, give me a million kisses, and tell me you love me all the time. You and Daddy recently went out and bought me a pair of earrings, and you love it when I wear them. You say, "You like those earrings I got you, Mama?" Let's just say that I eat this up.

* Your favorite thing is to lie with me and Daddy in our bed and read stories. You will seriously go through 20 books. You correct us if we miss a page and have an amazing memory for what happens in the stories. As your parents are both book nerds, we hope you continue to love books as you grow up.

That's just the tip of the iceberg, Finnie. You are an amazing kid. We are so lucky to be your parents.

Posted by lisa at January 31, 2008 09:56 AM


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