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August 06, 2008

calm after the storm

IMG_0168.JPG, originally uploaded by lisabagg.

Monday night, a storm tore through Chicago that was really unlike any other I've seen or experienced. I don't pay much attention when the local news talks about some big storm coming in, because they always brand it as something stupid like, "Tempest in the Midwest" set in obnoxious graphics and introduce the segment with a clap of thunder or something. So, I was sitting out in the front room working, when the storm starting moving in. And our neighbor, who saw me sitting there, called and was like, "Uh,genius, the tornado sirens just went off, you might want to leave your glassed-in front porch and get to the basement." (I'm paraphrasing.)

We got Finn out of bed to go to the basement, which he thought was awesome and waited for the storm to pass. Our entire house was shaking--pictures fell off the walls, windows rattled, some of our screens even blew off. It was really scary. (Except Finn still thought it was awesome.) The next morning, our neighborhood looked like a warzone--trees were down everywhere (you can see one in the photo above) and we didn't have phone, Web (curses!) or cable until today.

I must send out mad props to the good folks at Siam Taste Noodle. These intrepid folks delivered our Thai food in the middle of this storm. In our defense, we placed our order before we knew it was The Storm of The Century: August 2008 Edition. So, as the storm grew fierce, I figured the pad thai was sacrificed to the wrath of Mother Nature. But these folks actually delivered amid 80 mile-per-hour winds. They got a big tip.

It should also be noted that our Obama 2008 yard sign withstood the storm beautifully, with nary a scratch or tear. A portent?

Posted by lisa at August 6, 2008 08:02 PM


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